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Class 12(English 2nd)

Class 12(English 2nd)

Sell my dream One morning at nine o’clock, while we were having breakfast on the terrace of the Havana Riviera Hotel under a bright sun, a h... Read More »

Equally Likely Outcomes

Equally Likely Outcomes

Equally Likely Outcomes The most commonly made assumption for finite sample spaces is that all outcomes are equally likely. This assumption ... Read More »

Relative Frequency

Relative Frequency

Relative Frequency In order to motivate the approach adopted for the solution of the above problem, consider the following procedure. Suppos... Read More »



Events Another basic notion is the concept of an event. An event A (with respect to a particular sample space S associated with an experimen... Read More »

Sample Space

Sample Space

The Sample Space Definition. With each experiment  ε  of the type we are considering we define the sample space as the set of all possible o... Read More »

Functions of a Random Variable

Functions of a Random Variable

Functions of a Random Variable In defining a random variable X we pointed out, quite emphatically, that X is a function defined from the sam... Read More »

Independent Random Variables

Independent Random Variables

Independent Random Variables Just as we defined the concept of independence between two events A and B, we shall now define independent rand... Read More »