/ Undifined / Computer Fundamentals and Internet

Computer Fundamentals and Internet

Computer Fundamentals and Internet


Introduction to Computer and Problem Solving-Information and Data Hardware-CPU,  Primary  and
Secondary  storage,  I/O  devices,  Bus  structure,  Computer Peripherals- VDU, Keyboard, Mouse,
Printer. Software  and  Types  of  Software,  Programming  Languages-  Machine  Language,  Assembly
Language, High Level Language, Object Oriented Language. Problem Solving- Algorithm, Flow
charts, Decision tables & Pseudo codes.


Number  systems  and  Codes-  Number  representation-  weighted  codes,  Non-weighted  codes, Position,
Binary,  Octal,  Hexadecimal,  Binary  Coded  Decimal  (BCD),  Conversion  of  bases, Complement
notations, Binary Arithmetic, Binary Codes- Gray, Alphanumeric, ASCII.


Microprocessor- Architecture of 8-bit and 16-bit microprocessor, Machine language instructions, Addressing
Modes, Instruction formats, Instruction sets, Instruction cycle, Clock cycles, Timing diagrams, Interrupts,
Bus standards and Interfacing concepts.  Boolean  algebra-  Fundamentals  of  Boolean  algebra,  Switches
and  inverters,  Functionally Complete Gates (AND, OR, NOT), NAND, NOR, switching function and
Boolean function, De Morgan’s Theorem, Application of Boolean Algebra, Algebraic & K-map .


Internet-  Introduction  to  networks  and  internet,  history,  working  of  Internet,    Modes  of connecting to
internet, ISPs, Internet address, standard address, domain name, Modems . World  Wide  Web-
Introduction,  Miscellaneous  Web  Browsers  details,  searching    the  www- Directories  search  engines
and  meta  search  engines,  search  fundamentals,  search  engines, working of the search engines, Telnet
and FTP.

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