/ Undifined / Advanced Topics in Computer

Advanced Topics in Computer

Advanced Topics in Computer


Computer Graphics- Introduction, Co-ordinate system, Information handling software, Graphics 
software,  Area of  application, translation, rotation, scaling, matrix representation. Homogenous co-ordinate
system,  composite  transformation,  inverse  transformation,  computer  art,  animation, morphing,  projection 
and  clipping,  2D  &  3D  transformation,  lines,  curves  and  their representation


Basics  of  multimedia  technology,  computers,  communication  &  entertainment,  multimedia  and 
introduction, frame work for multimedia systems, multimedia devices like CD- Audio, CDROM, CD-I,
Presentation  devices  and  the  user  interface,  multimedia  presentation  and  authoring, professional 
development  tools,  LANs  and  multimedia,  internet  ,  WWW  and  multimedia distribution network- ATM
and ADSN, Multimedia servers and databases, vector graphics, video on demand


Artificial Intelligence- Introduction to AI, Knowledge base system, Properties of AI, Software of AI,  
Organization  working  for  AI,  Fuzzy  logic  base  machines,  Work  of  cell  and  their classification. Data
Encryption-  Coding  and  Decoding  techniques,  First  stage  and  second  stage  decoding, standard for
data encryption. Image Processing- Introduction, Digital Image Processing, Various Phases of Image


Operating  System-  Introduction,  OS  concepts,  Types  of  OS,  OS  Structure,  System  calls  and Types,
Processes- Introduction to process, Inter-process Communication, Process Scheduling, Memory
Management-  Introduction,  Swapping,  Contiguous  Memory  Allocation,  Paging, Segmentation,  Virtual 
Memory  Management-  Demand  Paging,  Page  Replacement,  Deadlock- Prevention, Avoidance,
Detection, Recovery, Algorithms 

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