Java programming language overview, Referring to applets and applications, The first step in writingJava application, Basic Java application, Primary application components, Class code block, Data,
Method code block, Using semicolon and braces, Compiling and running a program, Requirement for
your source file, Compiling, Running the program
Java Primitive Types and Reference Types- Integral primitive types, Floating point primitive types,Textual primitive types- char, Logical primitive types- Boolean, Variable identifier conventions and
rules, using variables in program, how primitives and constants are stored in memory, using a string
class as a data type, using string and the new modifier, using string without the new modifier, Using
string without using modifier, Value you can assign to string, How string can be stored in memory ,
Using string reference variables, Using main method.
Abstract classes and Inheritance, Java2 Platform Class Library packages, Grouping classes inpackages, Coding structure, Source file layout , Filenames, Java Methods and Object Interaction, Java
Methods, Declaring Methods, Invoking Methods, Types of method, Passing Arguments, Method
Overloading , Arithmetic operators, Operators precedence, Increment and decrement operators, The if
construct, The While loop, The for loop, while VS for, The do loop, The switch Construct, The break
statement, The continue statement , Java keywords.
Graphical user interface development, Java AWT Package Class Hierarchy, GUI Project, Frame,Adding a button, Creating panels and complex layout, ActiveX Technologies & Implementation,
ActiveX-based architecture, ActiveX controls, ActiveX documents, ActiveX code components,
Implementing Client-Side Solutions, Introduction to scripting, Client-side scripting, Implementing
ActiveX controls, Implementing Server-side solutions, Introducing Server-side scripting, Authoring
active server pages(ASP), Reading a hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP) request, Creating HTTP
response, Saving user information, User ActiveX server components.
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