/ Undifined / C Programming & Data Structure

C Programming & Data Structure

C Programming & Data Structure 


C Fundamentals- Character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data Types, Constants, Variables and 
Arrays,  Declarations,  Operators  &  Expressions,  Library  functions,  Statements,  Symbolic  Constants,
Preprocessor directives Data Input and Output- getchar(), putchar(), scanf(), printf(), gets(), puts()
functions  Control  Statements-  if-else,  while,  do-while,  goto  ,  for  statements,  nested  control  structures, 
switch, break, continue statements, comma operator.


Functions-  Function  prototypes,  Passing  arguments  to  a  function  by  value,  Recursion,  Storage  classes, 
Automatic, External, Static, Register variables in single file environment  Arrays-  Definition,
Processing  arrays,  Passing  arrays  to  functions,  Introduction  to  multidimensional arrays, arrays and
strings Pointers-  declaration,  referencing  and  de-referencing,  passing  pointers  to  functions,  pointer  to
arrays, operations of files using pointers  Structures and Unions.


Data  Structure-  Definition  and  abstract  data  types,  Stacks-  definition,  Array  based implementation  of 
stacks,  Linked  list,  infix,  prefix,  postfix  representation,  Conversions, Applications. Queues , Dqueues and
its implementation using C, Trees: Definition of trees and Binary trees : Properties ,Implementation
,Traversal pre-order ,post order ,In-order traversal.  Graphs  &  Sorting  Algorithms  -  Graphs-  Definition 
of  Undirected  and  Directed  graphs  Graph Traversal – Breadth first Traversal, Depth First Traversal,
Array based implementation using C. 


Sorting  Algorithm-  Introduction  of  Sorting,  Sorting  by  Exchange,  Selection,  Insertion-  Bubble sort, 
selection  sort,  Efficiency  of  above  algorithms  Merge  sort  and  algorithms,  Quick  sort algorithm

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