/ Undifined / System Analysis and Development

System Analysis and Development

System Analysis and Development


a) System  Concepts  and  Information  System  Environment:  Introduction,  The  system  
Concept,  Definition,  Characteristics  of  system,  Types  of  system-  Physical  or  Abstract  System,
Elements of a system, System Models.
b) System Development Life Cycle-  Introduction, SDLC- Recognition of need, Feasibility  Study,
Analysis , Design, Implementation, Post –Implementation and Maintenance.
c) The  Role  of  Analyst-  Introduction,  Definition,  Historical  Perspective,  Academic  and  Personal 
Qualification,  Multifaceted  role  of  analyst  -  change  Agent,  Investigator,  Monitor, Architect,
and Psychologist.


a) System Planning and Initial Investigation - Introduction, Base for planning, Dimension of Planning,
Initial Investigation, Need of Investigation, determination of feasibility.
b)  Information  Gathering  :  Introduction  ,What  kind  of  information  Needed  ,Where  does
information originate ?Tools for information gathering
c) Tools  for  Structured  Analysis-  DFD,  Data  Dictionary,  Decision  Tree  and  structured English,
Decision Tables Pros and cons of each tool.


a) Process of Design-  Logical and Physical  Design, Design Methodologies,  Form –Driven
Methodology-:  The  IPO  charts,  Forms,  Classification  of  Forms,  Requirements  of  from Design
.Types of Forms.
b) System  Testing  &  Quality  Assurance-  What  is  Testing?  Why  Testing?  ,Nature  of  Test Data , 
The  Test  Plan  :Activity,  Network  for  system  testing  ,System  testing,  Unit, Integration  ,  Alpha
Beta  ,  White-box  and  Black  Box  testing  .  Levels  of  Quality Assurance, Role of Data Auditor,
Verification and Validation.


Security,  Disaster  /  Recovery  and  Ethics  in  System  Development  –Introduction,  System Security-  
Definitions,  Threats  to  system  Security,  Control  Measures,  Disaster/Recovery. Ethics codes and
standard of Behavior. 

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